It is Thursday!!!

Just one week till Thanksgiving! I can't wait ! Looking forward to great food and all the family being together. Remembering the days of my youth when my Grandmothers and Uncle George would come to dinner. My Mother would have a gorgeous table set with lots of wonderful food. After dinner everyone would have dessert and coffee. Aww, what sweet memories! I miss those days. Now that my children have grown I keep the same traditions in my home. I still prepare food just as my Mother did and make the her Orange Cake and Cranberry Relish. Those are two of my favorite holiday dishes!

A few years back we had an old fashion Thanksgiving in Pocahontas County at Cass, WV. My Son rented a renovated Cass house and my brother, sis in law, my husband and I took all the food. It had a beautiful old fashion wooden table. We filled it up with the yummiest food anyone could ever want!

Please feel free to share you holiday memories!

I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Almost Pumpkin Time

It has been to long!
Laptop is back.......Now on to some fun times in Mary's Kitchen! 

April 2012 I opened up The Merry Baker!
It has been fun, crazy and full of excitement!
It is a pastry/bistro shop offering pastries, salad, soups and sandwiches made from our homemade bread.  Our pastries are made from scratch with old family recipes.  Most popular is the homemade Cinnamon Rolls which was my Grandmothers, Eva Higginbotham's recipe.  It was handed down to me from my Mother, Gladys Sheridan.

I have a lot of wonderful family members that made it all possible.  Brothers, Sisters and Children all a huge part of the business.

Now to continue.......

It is almost fall again.   I have started with Pumpkin Cake in the Pastry Shop! Soon it will be filled with all the sweet smells of the Spicy scents of Fall! Not to mention all the Pepperoni Rolls that will be going to Gritts Farms for the Corn Maze!

As you can tell I Love Fall!!!!!!!

Stay tune and hold on to your hats for some Fun and Flavorful Treats!!!!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Preparing for Santa!

It is the special time of the year, Christmas!  Thanksgiving is over and its time to trim the tree and put lights on the house!  My little pastry shop is full of Spritz Cookies in the shape of Christmas Trees and Snowmen, Yule Logs and The sweet smell of Cinnamon Rolls!  Oh yes and I love Christmas Songs!  Jingle Bells and Frosty the Snowman!  For the Ba Humbug people just remember to enjoy you family and praise God everyday that they are healthy and happy!   Have a Tree trimming party!  Bake Cookies and make cocoa and eggnog.   All the money in the world doesn't replace the happy smiles on your childrens faces when they help bake and decorate the cookies for Santa!   Santa also enjoys eating them!

Holiday Fun! 2011

Fall,  Love Fall!  The leafs falling in so many beautiful colors!  Baking cookies and pumpkin pies!  Then there is Thanksgiving!!!!  Love that special day of family and food! The smell of Turkey and Pumpkin Pie thoughout the house! It is the best season of all!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas 2010

I hope everyone had a great holiday. Christmas is my favorite time of the year. Family and friends and a lot of good food! How many of you gave a homemade gift for Christmas? A basket filled with sweet goodies and maybe some coffee or tea! I love nothing better than to get a gift from the heart!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Talking Turkey!

Yummy ! Turkey Time! When cooking your turkey you can spice it up a bit. Adding a little onion and celery while cooking makes it so tasty. I rub the outside and inside of the turkey with salt and also use some Rosemary as a seasoning. I grilled onions and added some sweet carrots around my turkey after I place it on the platter. Celery is also a great garnish. If you like to stuff your turkey slightly dry out the cavity with some paper towels to keep from being so greasy and place stuffing in cavity about 45 minutes before turkey is done. It will be a nice golden brown when it is done. I can't wait till we all sit down to a wonderful table of food with everyone I love the most! Family!

Family - Food - Fun!!!

There is nothing any better than Family! Having a wonderful dinner and enjoying it with your Children and Grandchildren is great! Today I had Turkey, Baked Butternut Pecan Squash, Green Beans and Out Of The Oven Hot Tuscan Cheddar Bread! Oh yes and my Grandson Alex requested Chicken and Noodles ! We had quite a feast! I am truly blessed to have days like today!

Was Paula Deen at Halloween!

Halloween was so much fun! We had kids Halloween Party and Trick or Treat Night where everyone came in and had some goodies after they gave out their treat and went trick or treating with their own children. Rick and I had so much fun! Oh and the children had fun also!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Visiting Gritts Farm

Monday was a great day. Hubby and I went for a walk at Little Creek Park and then took the Grandkids to Gritts Farm to get their pumpkins. They had so many nice pumpkins to pick from. The kids had a blast. It soon will be time to carve the pumpkins and plan the menu of treats for all the Little Goblins! Halloween, can't wait. It is a busy evening in our neighborhood.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Fall Party Treats!

It is October 1st.!!! I love the cool days and the autumn leaves. Lot of things going on this month. I will be posting some great little treats for entertaining! After all before you know it Thanksgiving will be here. Coming up soon will be Halloween. My husband and I have some great things planned for the children on Trick or Threat Night! Be sure and check back for some tasty ideas for your Fall entertaining!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

October! Fun and Friends!

October! Love it! Isn't long till Halloween. What do you have planned? Rick and I found some awesome decoration at the Dollar Tree and Big Lots! My mind is in overdrive! I am thinking edible eye balls, a cauldron with a SWEET surprise and lot of scary tasty treats! The Merry Mean Witch may make a visit!!! Stay tune my Kitties!!!!!