It is Thursday!!!

Just one week till Thanksgiving! I can't wait ! Looking forward to great food and all the family being together. Remembering the days of my youth when my Grandmothers and Uncle George would come to dinner. My Mother would have a gorgeous table set with lots of wonderful food. After dinner everyone would have dessert and coffee. Aww, what sweet memories! I miss those days. Now that my children have grown I keep the same traditions in my home. I still prepare food just as my Mother did and make the her Orange Cake and Cranberry Relish. Those are two of my favorite holiday dishes!

A few years back we had an old fashion Thanksgiving in Pocahontas County at Cass, WV. My Son rented a renovated Cass house and my brother, sis in law, my husband and I took all the food. It had a beautiful old fashion wooden table. We filled it up with the yummiest food anyone could ever want!

Please feel free to share you holiday memories!

I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Visiting Gritts Farm

Monday was a great day. Hubby and I went for a walk at Little Creek Park and then took the Grandkids to Gritts Farm to get their pumpkins. They had so many nice pumpkins to pick from. The kids had a blast. It soon will be time to carve the pumpkins and plan the menu of treats for all the Little Goblins! Halloween, can't wait. It is a busy evening in our neighborhood.

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